A computer numerical future.

Posted on 13:50 by Flyku

Take a look at any of the popular hacker/maker websites within the last few months and you may have noticed an increasing number of people making their own CNC machines. CNC stands for computer numerical control, CNC machines have been used in industry for decades now but they are beginning to become more available to the general public. CNC machines can come in many forms but the types most popular within the maker community are routers and rapid prototyping machines. CNC routers start with a solid piece of material and subtract material as required, rapid prototyping machines build up the model by depositing a type of plastic in layers. here are some examples of CNC routers made by the maker community:

CNC machine v2.1 - aka "Valkyrie Reloaded" - made by TinHead from Letsmakerobots.com

CNC1 from Oomlout.com

Another popular choice for makers is a rapid prototyping machine, these usualy come as kits like the Cupcake CNC from Makerbot industries. This is capable of making complex 3d parts very simply. The idea is that in a few years machines like this will be commonplace on workbenches all over the world.

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